Best Execution

FINRA Rule 5310 (Best Execution and Interpositioning) requires firms to conduct a “regular and rigorous” review of the execution quality of customer orders if the firm does not conduct an order-by-order review. 16 Where “regular and rigorous” reviews are used instead of order-by-order reviews, the reviews must be performed at a minimum on a quarterly basis and on a security-by-security, type-of-order basis (e.g., limit order, market order and market on open order). If a firm identifies any material differences in execution quality among the markets that trade the securities under review, it must modify its routing arrangements or justify why it is not doing so.

Noteworthy Examination Findings

FINRA continued to identify issues with some firms’ execution quality reviews, as well as conflicts of interest and related disclosures.

Additional Resources

16 See also Regulatory Notice 15-46 (Guidance on Best Execution Obligations in Equity, Options and Fixed Income Markets).

17 See U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Division of Market Regulation: Staff Legal Bulletin No. 13A Frequently Asked Question about Rule 11Ac1-6, Question 14: Disclosing Internalized Order Flow.

18 See U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Division of Market Regulation: Staff Legal Bulletin No. 13A Frequently Asked Question about Rule 11Ac1-6, Question 13: Disclosing Payment for Order Flow.