The Native American Intellectual Property Enterprise Council (NAIPEC) supports invention and innovation for Native American inventors, and in the Native American community by providing quantitative patenting, copyright, and trademark assistance, and helping protect the rich cultural heritage of indigenous people. By helping individual inventors or tribal communities, protect and preserve their long traditions of innovation, and bring new concepts to market, NAIPEC is at the intersection of industry and academia, facilitating opportunity and helping create new knowledge-based enterprises.
Our mission is to help breathe life into new ideas in the Native American community and to protect, grow and cultivate invention, innovation and creativity to help support and sustain a new economic infrastructure.
The NAIPEC TIP-HUB is an online resource currently covering three regions, to provide information on assistance available to individual Native American inventors.
Inventors and small businesses that meet certain financial thresholds and other criteria may be eligible for free legal assistance in preparing and filing a patent application. The Patent Pro Bono Program is a nationwide network of independently operated regional programs that match volunteer patent professionals with financially under-resourced inventors and small businesses for the purpose of securing patent protection.
A completely free e-learning course will help you understand the patenting process and prepare you to apply for a patent of your own.
NAIPEC’s Strategy Paper on Intellectual Property Value Creation and Economic Development.
Outlining the strategy for Native Tribes and Tribal businesses to leverage Intellectual Property as an engine for value creation and economic development. This paper outlines our approach and guidelines to Native Tribes and Tribal businesses in assessing, acquiring and extracting value from IP; and how IP as an asset can be leveraged to generate value through innovation; economic development; workforce deployment; and new enterprise creation in Indian Country.
Founded by renowned, successful Native American Inventor T. David Petite, NAIPEC brings together some of the brightest minds in the world, to provide leadership in the fields of educating, capturing, managing, developing, and manufacturing the ideas and intellectual property of Native American inventors.
Supported by its network of partners and international experts, NAIPEC delivers world-class education, advanced interdisciplinary research and modern business development support. NAIPEC serves as an Intellectual Property incubator organization providing direct assistance in the areas of:
The history of Native American innovation dates back millennia.
Providing assistance to the Native American community provides additional means of economic development for tribal groups around the country. It also bring the vast pool of talent that exists within these communities to the forefront of modern technological and cultural life.
We are currently supported by privately raised funding, intellectual know-how and direct resource support. We are actively seeking other funding sources and looking to expand our network of resources.
As NAIPEC grows we are looking to utilize and expand native knowledge and convert it into a valuable commodity exchange. Our objective is to provide the ability to bring measurable income growth opportunity for the native inventor and tribal organizations. By facilitating this growth we expect to see the intellectual resources of Native innovation create centers of excellence and innovation, incubating ideas into sustainable intellectual and real capital, providing for the inventors and the tribe, new and more abundant income resources for Native Americans.
For more about us and our Native American IP Project, please read our White Paper | Harmony