Once you have joined the housing register you can log on to Property Pool Plus and view available social housing in Liverpool.
There are typically around 200 homes available each week. Some of them are ready right now, without the need to bid - just select the 'Available Now' option when conducting your property search.
Properties are advertised weekly on a Tuesday on the Property Pool Plus website, and at the participating landlord’s office. You can express an interest in a property up to midnight on the following Sunday.
You can only bid for properties which are suitable for you. The system automatically prevents you from bidding for properties which are too large, small or for which you are not eligible. You can bid for three properties a week on the website or landlord’s office.
You will be informed what position you are in after you bid. You may withdraw your bid and move it to a property where you are in a higher ranked position, if you wish.
If you don’t hear anything after a week following the closing date you should assume that you have been unsuccessful and continue to express interest in other properties.