19 Free Legal Forms And Contracts From Philippine Legal Forms

I just want to share this link to a very cool site which offers free legal forms & contracts which are mostly real estate related. Credit goes to Jomar Hilario who discovered the site and shared it through the Think Rich Pinoy! Google Group last October 2008, just before I created this blog. I just remembered about it which is why I am sharing this to all of you only now.

I would like to believe that most of you out there are future real estate investors that are about to venture into real estate investing very soon, so most of you will eventually need these forms & contracts. The available free samples of legal forms & contracts are listed below:

<a href=Panama Real Estate - Contracts" width="240" height="158" />

  1. Deed of Absolute Sale Image by thinkpanama via Flickr
  2. Contract to Sell
  3. Chattel Mortgage
  4. Contract of Lease / Rent
  5. Rent-to-own contract
  6. Deed of Sale
  7. General Form of Affidavit
  8. Affidavit of Loss
  9. Earnest Money Receipt Agreement
  10. Affidavit of Desistance
  11. Acknowledgement Receipt for Payments
  12. Acknowledgement of Debt
  13. General Power of Attorney
  14. Special Power of Attorney
  15. Deed of Assignment & Transfer of Rights
  16. Deed of Donation
  17. Contract of Renovation/Construction of a House or Building
  18. Authority to Sell / Lease
  19. Offer to Purchase
  20. Last Will and Testament

Since the Philippine Legal Forms website states that all the Philippine legal forms and contracts they have are free to copy and revise for single use but not for re-publication in print or reproduction on other websites, I cannot reprint them here. You will have to get them yourselves at http://legal-forms.philsite.net

I would also like to reiterate what was stated on the website which says “It is strongly recommended that you consult a lawyer and have a customized document drawn to suit your requirements. All legal forms in this site are meant for reference only. Always seek legal advice before entering into any contract, agreement or executing any legal document”. Very sound advice if you ask me.

By the way, you will notice that there wasn’t any sample rent-to-own contract on the list. Don’t worry, I shall be sharing a sample in one of my next posts and I may also incorporate the suggestions I made on my recent post on Rent-To-Own Contract Tips: For The Protection Of The Buyer.

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